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 Forest Therapy and Horticultural Therapy  
  for Health and Happiness 

 Forest Therapy 

What do you see on a walk in the woods? How do you feel when you are outside in nature?  Do you find yourself taking deeper breaths and finding a feeling of calm?  Being mindful in nature is that exact experience of being present, awake and peaceful amidst the quiet rhythm of nature.

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I could tell you

about the river or

we could just get in.

Bill Callahan

 Horticultural Therapy 

Seniors can find health and happiness in the process of gardening - whether it is growing their own vegetables and flowers or using plant material in beautiful art projects like those pictured here.

The power of memories and the smells associated with gardening bring pleasure, and peace to seniors participating in projects designed to strengthen skills and maintain health.

 About Sharon 

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Certified Forest Therapy Guide

Registered Horticultural Therapist

In addition to being a master’s prepared nurse in Mental Health, a master’s prepared bioethicist, and a registered horticultural therapist, I am a certified Forest Therapy Guide from the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT). During the years that I have been leading walks, I have confirmed that the experience leads to less stress, a sense of peacefulness, and a “lightening” of the spirit. Guided healing walks in the forest teach people the power of mindfulness in nature. Taking the time to observe the hidden beauty that is all around us is a skill that can be taught and re-created in people's lives with the creation of their own “sit spot” near home. I lead private and group walks both in NJ and Pennsylvania.

Horticultural therapy is a time-proven practice. The therapeutic benefits of garden environments have been documented since ancient times. Horticultural therapists are professionals with specific education, training, and credentials in the use of horticultural for therapy and rehabilitation. I have always loved plants because of the joy I found in working with them and I have experienced the fact that working with plants promotes emotional, mental, and physical health and well-being in others. I completed Horticultural therapist education at Delaware Valley University (2017) and achieved registered status in 2020, with a private practice that brings people and plants together for health and happiness. I work with seniors and children both privately and in groups.

"Try it even if you are not a nature person or not sure that you will like it. It is a great experience that will introduce you to something different and beneficial for your body, spirit and mind."

"It is a beautiful and peaceful activity that brings you closer to nature and to a quiet time and place that allows you to relax and enjoy the beauty of the forest."

"Sharon’s Forest Bathing experience is even more than it’s evocative name suggests. In addition to introducing us (the participants) to nature in a thoughtful sequence of interactions, we were also re-introduced to our own senses and creativity."


For more information

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Tel: 908 672 7912

Sharon Lohse

Belle Mead, NJ

2022 Mindful in Nature, created in Wix

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